
the simple bbs for ruby

writing form

1 2

9 Test

New Thread test.

by naruse at 2004-11-19 08:08

by at 2005-10-26 00:15

replying form


Now sazaby supports RSS.
So you can get RSS by index.rdf.
Have a good RSS life!

by naruse at 2004-10-20 06:27

For example rdf's uri of this bbs is

by naruse at 2004-10-20 06:29

replying form

7 seventh star

This is 7th thread.
If they are seven, they are bee.

by naruse at 2004-10-17 07:29

This is test to 7th thread.\r\nhogehoge.\r\nfugafuga.

by naruse at 2004-10-18 08:26

replying form

6 six sence

This is 6th thread.
If they are six, they are turkey.

by naruse at 2004-10-17 07:29

深圳商报 - 20分钟前\r\n【本报讯】(深圳商报记者鲁军)2004年10月21日 深圳航空公司、德国汉莎货运公司、德国投资与开发公司三 携手,中国民航史上第一家真正意义上的中外合资航空公司 ...

by naruse at 2004-10-22 08:41

[edaily 하정민기자] 중국 정부가 국가 기밀 유출 혐의로 뉴욕타임스(NYT) 조사원을 체포했다고 블룸버그통신이 22일 보도했다. 자오 옌이란 이름의 이 조사원은 ...

by naruse at 2004-10-22 08:42

(記者李國華∮台中報導)現任台灣櫻花公司董事長「櫻花張」張宗璽,被控87年間涉嫌勾結財務長黃永盛、財務操手陳麗玉,及友人陳進興等人,共謀以假買賣虛增台灣櫻花公司業績 ...

by naruse at 2004-10-22 08:43

replying form

5 5th test

This is 5th test thread.
If they are five, they are rockets.

by naruse at 2004-10-17 07:27

replying form

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